"LOVE IS MONEY"New Nepali Hearttouching Short movie


हेर्नुहोस भिडियो

Reverence is holding the whole world with it's fabulousness. Reverence is a sensitivity and warmth that gives the noteworthiness of life moreover a miracle of living. In any case, here and there, the paper benefitted wins the

race between the reverence ans money. Money takes a lead over warmth. Love remains the behind corner of drapery. Money de$troy all the sensitivity and warmth of the reverence.

Nepali short movie has been released with the same expect control of money.The film is " Love is Money " which is showing how money is just making people trance and is c@ptivating the internal assumptions of people. The film is appearing for a couple of people money is everything and can run leaving their genuine suppositions of veneration just for money. The film is moreover spreading the gnawing truth of a couple of people. click here for watch video Here in the movie, a young woman is picking the money between the reverence and money. She has carried the trade with her out perspective of her contemplations that no love will maintain her and can give her lux*ur!ous life. She dump her worship just for the $@ke of money.

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