
हेर्नुहोस भिडियो

Best College in Nepal to Join MBA

Gelal Research Group has situated Top 10 Business School for MBA.MBA program has been situated similarly as livelihood game plan, careful quality of instructive modules, section level position and ask about circumstances, understudy selectivity, and reputation of collaborated school.

Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSOM)

Related to: Kathmandu University

Developed in August 1993 as a boss organization progression foundation under Kathmandu University, KUSOM led high gauge and market responsive Graduate Management programs (MBA and EMBA) that are for the most part saw as a worldwide ID to productive master organization occupation. It has conveyed more than 650 splendid organization graduates who are supervising driving relationship over all parts – with vitality and cleaned philosophy.

Ace Institute of Management

Ace Institute of Management is a contemporary, responsive, careful learning center where understudies rediscover themselves and make sense of how to be keen and tried and true boss and pioneers. In our 14 year history, since our starting in 1999, we have developed ourselves as a fundamental establishment that is encountering its vision of updating utmost of individuals and foundations in Nepal to add to the nation's change.

Asian Institute of Technology and Management (MBA in Nepal &Thailand)

The Asian Institute of Technology and Management (AITM) was selected on 20 June 2012 to offer splendid national and all inclusive ventures in Nepal. Administered by experienced educationists and specialists, with more than three numerous years of exhibited notoriety and with both national and worldwide experience, AITM wishes to be a positive authorities of advancement, within the country, locally and all around, by collaborating with AIT in Thailand, IMI University Center in Switzerland, and other all around supposed insightful foundations keeping in mind the end goal to draw upon their perpetual experience and reputation in working in multi-national and multi-social academic settings. In offering all inclusive ventures in Nepal, the guideline point will be to change Nepalese foundations of cutting edge training into uncommon seats of learning, arranged to support first class direction, allow and research, to make lit up subjects with strong great and good qualities.

Apex College

Apex College, set up in 2000 and collaborated to Pokhara University, is a present component foundation that blends intensive educational premiums with significantly relevant, focused and capacity based courses to suit to the enthusiasm of various accomplices in the occupation market. Quality guideline with understudy centered teaching learning approach, outstanding workplaces, satisfactory cocurricular works out, work circumstance and other educational organizations are the indications of Apex's enlightening thinking. These have been supervised and supported by a strong IT spine. Understudies experience superb self-motivation while working in the system.

South Asian Institute of Management (SAIM)

South Asian Institute of Management (SAIM) is an independent, academic establishment set up in Kathmandu, Nepal in 2005 to give need-based organization preparing and join in organization headway, research and directing to empower the improvement and change of bosses, specialists, and business pioneers in South Asia which is ascending as the most component Asian commonplace money related group for overall trade, theory and development progression.

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