Yo Ta aati Vo Nepali Short Movie


हेर्नुहोस भिडियो

The performer pair of Sitaram Kattel (Dhurmus) and Kunjana Ghimire (Suntali) of the week by week sitcom Meri Bassai were in the US in the midst of an over two month visit when the Great Earthquake shook Nepal on April 25. One week after the shiver, the twosome—who are in like manner the Sanitation Brand Ambassadors for the Nepal government—were back in Nepal. They expected to scratch off the staying booked 18 shows up, which were proposed to raise money for sanitation programs back home. Since they have been back, they have focused solely on finishing easing work. The couple have successfully reproduced Pahari Basti, Danda Gaun, ward no 16, in Kavrepalanchok area, with the help of neighborhood individuals and volunteers by making tremor safe houses for an Integrated Model Village. (Content credit: The Kathmandu Post)

Photo: First Model Village at Pahari Basti, Kavrepalanchwok area.

After the productive attempts to recreate the Pahari Basti in individual tries, the comic twosome expect to revamp the Giran Chaur Village at Melamchi Municipality, Sindhupalchwok. This time, they are more dealt with the Dhurmush Suntali Foundation.

Altering Giran Chaur Village

Giran Chaur was an amazing town at Melamchi area, 8 in Sindhupalchwok. After the tremor in April, 2015, homes in the town completely separated (showed up in the photograph underneath) convincing the villagers to stay in the short lived asylum. Photo: Giran Chaur town at this moment.

The town and the homes are not altered notwithstanding taking after a year of the seismic tremor. Indigenous down and out Tamang social order, who lost their homes and loved ones still live in the temporary refuges as rainstorm is moving closer soon that makes their life more convoluted. (Depiction of the design to be overhauled soon)

What we have orchestrated?

There are 5 15 people from 65 Tamang families staying in the improvised sanctuaries in the town at this moment. We're needing to change the substance of this town to by building a model town for the Tamang social order and help them for not all that terrible living with beautiful homes as gift after the tremor. There will be 65 shake safe homes for 65 families with toilets and little gardens in each. Taking after is the game plan specifically:

Zone: Giran Chaur, Melamchi-8, Sindhupalchwok

Zone of the town: 5 Hectare

Sorts of homes to be fabricated: 4-room seismic tremor safe single stair building

Surveyed Cost: 35 million Nepali Rupees

Each of the 65 homes will have a tap with running drinkable water, a can, little garden, kids friendly structures and the model town will have one noteworthy gathering passageway. Photo: Dhurmus with the posterity of Giran Chaur town

In reality, even a penny numbers!

We know we in general have some kind of value. Some can manage the expense of time to take action to lead on the ground; some will probably be not able do that yet can contribute little of what we have. Here we are, on the ground to create the town. If you can't proceed the ground, you may consider contributing the total whatever you can. Allow us to manage your purpose. For sure, even a singular penny disregards as we're running of money starting at this point.

Straightforwardness of the money you contribute

Dhurmush Suntali Foundation is the legally enrolled component under the Social Welfare Council of Government of Nepal. Each of your dedication will be inspected by the selected inspector and purposes of enthusiasm of the expenses will be made open on dhurmussuntali.com and other internet organizing stages. Names of the supporters will be incorporated the imprinting to be set at the gathering hallway.

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