Awesome Bridge In Nepal


हेर्नुहोस भिडियो
Nepal is the nation with assortments of geological elements. In a few sections of Nepal there is no considerably appropriate street to walk.

In some part no any vehicles is been come to and individuals ought to walk a miles to stroll over yonder. Here is the video of Gorkha Krauja VDC and it is called Yaru Bagar.

Here you can see astonishing thing. You can perceive how individuals are making an approach to achieve the place. Here the scaffold is been made on the mass of the slope. This is called cantilever scaffold, such extension are renowned in Switerzland and here in Nepal too you can see it. This is adhere to the slope and individuals utilize along these lines to go here and there. This looks so d@nger)us yet exceptionally awesome.

This will stun and also frighten individuals. You can see there is nothing down the extension and it is stick on the divider like the mother conveying her child. From along these lines the eastern part of the general population of Gorkha comes here and there as this has made them simple to travel. Individuals here were living on a rare yet this scaffold has made them simple to some degree. Here in this video you can see this scaffold.

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