Real Truth About Kanchan Sharma


हेर्नुहोस भिडियो
All things considered, individuals began with knocking her better half and her children. This is ordinary cause we as a whole are people are we are harmed by hearing what she said. At to begin with, I totally trusted her and I additionally cried while watching the show. In any case, later in the day, I understood, there are no such cases ever happened in the Nepalese soil. At that point I started to think more. I looked into additional about her. I observed that her senior child is contemplating Engineering at Bangalore and more youthful child in Nepal.

यो दिदी ०६२/०६३ सालको जनआन्दोलनमा त्रिपुर्स्वरमा भएको झडपमा आफु घाईते भएकी थिईन ! टाउकोमा चोट लागेका उनले, अरुको घाईते बच्चा जोगाएको फोटो आन्दोलनको उत्कृष्ट फोटो आजसम्म हेर्न सकिन्छ ! टाउकोमा घहिरो चोट लागेकी यिनि ५ बर्ष पछि अर्धपागल जस्तै अबस्थामा कमलपोखरी गणेश मन्दिर नजिक माग्न बसेको बेला ऑसु झार्दै मैले नि ५० रुपैया दिएको थिए ! – Sushil Kumar Bhattarai

I think all the Gorkhalis shouldn't act that quick as we had acted amid wars. In the event that we watched surface and accept circumstances for what they are and words we may feel sensitivity towards her. In any case, here I wanna find in an alternate edge. Aren't we crushing her's Husband Mohan Regmis' home itself? I think he is the one which media has annihilated the picture even before individuals seeing his genuine face. I think the case is excessively finished and there untruths something else that we don't know yet. We should trust in coming days we will know reality behind the majority of this occurrence today.

कान्तिपुर टेलिभिजनको लोकप्रिय कार्यक्रम सुमनसँग को हिजो १७ नोभेम्बरको शृङखलामा मेरो लगभग १५ वर्ष अघि लेखिएको पुरानो गजल 'नखुलेको आकाश खुलेर आयो' गजल लाई कञ्चन शर्मा रेग्मीले उहाँले आफैँले लेख्नुभएको गजल भनेर वाचन गर्नुभएछ । मेरो गजलसंग्रह 'उही बाढी उही भेल' को दोस्रो संस्करण ( मार्ग,२०६०) मा यो गजल सञ्चयित छ । यो गजल मैले विगत १३-१४ वर्षको अवधिमा स्वदेश लगायत विदेशमा आायोजित साहित्यिक कार्यक्रमहरूका अतिरिक्त रेडियो नेपाल लगायत बिभिन्न टिभी तथा एफएम रेडियोमा समेत वाचन गरिसकेको छु । संगीतकार Sagar Neupane को सङ्गीत र गायक Sajal Neupane को स्वर मा रेकर्ड भएको यो गजल २०६९ सालमा सजल न्यौपानेको एकल गीति अलबम नमनमा संग्रहीत छ भने मेरो एकल शब्दको गजल अलबम " प्यालामा आँसु' मा पनि यो गजलको अडियो सङ्कलित छ । कन्चन शर्माजीले शायद दुख र पीडाले अभिशप्त भएको तोडमा मेरो गजललाई आफ्नै गजल मान्नु भएछ क्यारे ! कार्यक्रम प्रस्तोता चर्चित व्यक्तित्व सुमन खरेललाई यो गजलका बारेमा जानकारी नभएको हुन सक्छ । उहाँले बिभिन्न रेडियो एफएमहरूमा बजिरहेको मेरा गजलका ती शेरहरू सुन्नुभएको रहेनछ । तसर्थ मेरा तमाम मित्रहरूका अतिरिक्त उक्त कार्यक्रम सुन्नुहुने/हेर्नुहुने सबै श्रोतागण तथा अादरणीय सुमन खरेलजीलाई समेत मेरो यही स्टाटसबाट कन्चन शर्माजीले वाचन गर्नुभएको उक्त गजलको यथार्थ अवगत गराउन चाहन्छु । – रबि प्रान्जल को स्टाटस

Kanchana had done Nursing and has understanding of 4 years in this field. I think she has some dysfunctional behavior which I found amid the meeting. Yet, then likewise I think by what means can a family desert her? This is not a piece of Nepalese culture and never observed such thing happening.

There is a quote "never judge anybody by one side story, the sheltered zone is protected zone". I am not denying the way that she has been rejected from family yet these children resemble us . They know the estimation of mother too. There is something incorrectly and covered up in uneven story. She guaranteed that gajal be her however truth is that gajal was composed by Ravi Pranjal. She is an informed lady with a nursing degree available . What's more, how in an earth she let her kick the bucket out and about in the event that she was one of best and near Dr Bhola Rijal in the restorative field. Why there was stick drop quiet for entire 19 years of life and why following 7 years ? There are a great deal of moms who are attempting to bite the dust however why she was decided for the meeting? Amid 2062/63 she was additionally an extremist and got harmed in the head. Her photograph was distributed in daily papers also (examiners) . So there is uncertainty of emotional instability also.

न खुलेको आकाश खुलेर आयो !

ऊ सायद बाटो भुलेर आयो !!

झर्यो त के भो जाई र जुइ !

त्यो पलाश मन मा फुलेर आयो !!

न त तर्न सक्नु न त डुब्न सक्नु !

यो भेल कस्तो उर्लियर आयो !!

उन लाई भुल्न उठाय प्याला !

तर त्यो प्याला मा आशु घुलेर आयो !!

र भन्नु हुन्छ " मेरो जिबन को कुनै राग छैन !!

एकतर्फी मात्र कुरा सुनेर कसैलाइ दोषी ठहर्याउनु पनि गलत हो। कतै हामी कन्चन शर्माका भुतपुर्व पति अनि छोराहरुलाइ गालिगलौज गर्न हतार गर्दै त छैनौ? संसारका सबै आमा महान हुन्छन् नै भन्ने पनि त हुँदैन नि हैन? चाँडै भावनामा नबगौँ, पहिले दुबै पक्षको कुरा सुनौं अनि मात्र को सहि र को गलत भन्ने फैसला गरौँ। बरु कोहि पत्रकार साथिहरु हुनुहुन्छ भने "मोहन रेग्मि"लाई भेटेर उनको पनि कुरा बुझ्ने कि?

Here the thing is we can't simply judge her family by her story. We have to recognize what is the account of another side too.

आमालाई बिर्सेर ईश्वरलाई सम्झन सकिन्न ।😢😔 #सत्यकथा

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