King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah and his family members


हेर्नुहोस भिडियो
Nepal-Maoist joined the peace procedure, the administration chose to nationalize all properties having a place with the royals by setting set up a committed office to oversee and utilize these assets.A royal residence and a cottage situated outside the Kathmandu Valley will be rented to private firms to draw in voyagers and create revenues.According to Bhim Prasad Uphadhyay, secretary in the workplace of the Nepal Trust, three prime properties in the heart of Kathmandu will soon be rented out for use as business edifices. "The income originating from leased and rented properties will be utilized as a part of instruction and wellbeing divisions," he told Hindustan Times.Four royal residences – two in Pokhara and one each in Chitwan and Hetuda – will be opened to sightseers soon, he added.The Nepal Trust as of now gains a huge number of rupees from a resort and a working in Kathmandu that were possessed by the royals. The royals were among Nepal's wealthiest individuals, claimed unaccounted versatile and steady properties, and were known for their sumptuous way of life. All properties having a place with the royals were brought under the domain of the trust since Nepal chose to annul the government in 2006.Properties possessed by royals, for example, arrive, lodges, manors and castles worth billions of rupees, have been followed in 25 locale crosswise over Nepal."As of now, we have followed 1,000 hectares claimed by the previous royals and brought them under our proprietorship," said Uphadhyay. A portion of the terrains which have high esteem will be rented out or leased .

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