Rajendra Mahato injured in clash with police at Jogbani border (Video)


हेर्नुहोस भिडियो


Frameworks of Samyukta Loktantrik Madhesi Morcha conflicted with police at Biratnagar-Jogbani fringe point on Saturday. Madhesi pioneer Rajendra Mahato was harmed in the fight.

The conflict resulted when police attempted to prevent Mahato from tuning in sit-in project sorted out to hinder the passage of merchandise through the outskirt point. Mahato, some gathering pioneers and Morcha units had entered the Dasgaja region by means of India to sort out a sit-in close to the Customs Office. Police attempted to expel them from their spot which began the conflict.

Morcha units than went into Indian region and tossed stones at police towards the Nepali side of the outskirt. Police additionally discharged poisonous gas shells and stick charged to control any untoward circumstance.

Taking after his damage to his head and leg, pioneer Mahato went into Jogbani.

Biratnagar-Jogbani fringe supplies stopped

Products and fuel entering through the Biratnagar-Jogbani traditions have been stopped after the conflict between the Morcha units and police on Saturday.

Somewhere in the range of 125 cargo trucks had entered through this outskirt point before the fight today. Rajendra Mahato and his units conflicted with police when police attempted to clear them from their sit-in spot in Dashgaja outskirt point.

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